

These days, with the rhinoceros turmoil in our country, rhino management has changed dramatically.

These days, with the rhinoceros’ turmoil not only in our country but around the world, rhino management has changed dramatically. It is our mandate to provide rescue and care for the rhino in our protected areas. This includes translocation of rhino between protected areas for population heath and genetic strength as well as the management of injuries, de- horning and escapees.

Due to the poaching increase over the past few years, there has been a number of incidents of orphan baby rhino being left behind after their mothers have been poached. Wildlife Management prides ourselves in having done some amazing rescues to get these baby rhinos to a safe sanctuary. Our very first orphan rhino rescue was a 6-month-old male calf, whose mother was poached. After relocating him to a specialized rhino rehab, we are proud to say he is now a father, helping the repopulate the species.

Rhino Protection

A great deal of time, effort and funding has gone into the protection of the remaining rhino under the MTPA control. In the past we were annually involved with the micro- chipping of every individual rhino on our reserves. More recently however we have employed a different strategy, the complete removal of the horn. De- horning has bought the MTPA a lot of time during this terrible war on our rhinos.

Treatment & Care

Poaching wounds, general wound care and wound treatment from fighting are the common treatment and care incidents. These incidents need a hands on approach to ensure the survival of the injured individual for future stability of the species.


We aim to raise money by means of membership fees, lectures, exhibitions, sales, donations, etc. for the purpose of furthering the aims and objectives of the Association.

Supporting sustainable wildlife management

FOWM is a non-profit organisation dedicated to assist and support wildlife conservation in general but with specific focus on Mpumalanga and assistance of the Wildlife Management Department of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency.

You can make a real difference by donating funds to our cause. This will enable us to continue providing sustainable wildlife management for years to come.