Support our cause

Donate & conserve
our local wildlife

By donating you can truly make a difference and enable us to continue our cause to provide sustainable wildlife management in Mpumalanga South Africa for years to come.

Equipment and tools have to be in immaculate condition to ensure success; which is why that is typically where the bulk of our yearly budget goes. Be it building vehicle frames, vehicle recoveries, to constructing rhino and antelope crates and rafts, used to move trucks carrying animals containers across bodies of water, as well as many other helpful things.

Effective and well maintained equipment establishes the link between our experience in the field and the welfare of the animals we are working with.

By donating you can ensure that our equipment remains up to the task and to do your part in sustaining South African wildlife.

Donate by PayPal

FOWM is a non-profit organisation dedicated to assist and support wildlife conservation in general but with specific focus on Mpumalanga and assistance of the Wildlife Management Department of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency. Support Friends Of Wildlife Management by becoming a Monthly Donor or Donating Once-Off. Corporate Donations will receive a complimentary listing on our website! We really appreciate your support!

«We can make a differ­ence, so let's do it!»
Karin Youssoufian

Donate by GivenGain

You can also donate using the GivenGain service, either once-off or by donating monthly to continuously support the preservation of South African wildlife.