

Don’t die! This is the first rule when working with hippo. They are exceptionally powerful and super intelligent.

They are exceptionally powerful and super intelligent. Wildlife Management does re-introduction of hippos into protected areas and population management. However, most of the work is the capture of “problem animals”. These animals are regarded as a problem, because they roam around on the highways, on crop farms and other places where there are high human activities.

Passive capture

Passive capture is the safest and most effective way to catch groups of hippos. It is a slow process of building up the animal’s trust.

Passive hippo capture is the method of luring the animals into a boma by using food. This, in most cases, is a very slow method.

The most important part in this capture is that the boma needs to be able to withstand, up to 8 anger hippos, when the door is closed behind them.

On many an occasion Wildlife Management have received a call from farmers worried about a hippo who has accidentally fallen into the round concrete farm dam and can’t get out. We then respond by lowering a crate into the dam with the hippo and tease them with a white plastic bag on the end of a stick into the crate. This method has yielded great results.

But working with hippos, a person always needs to be on their toes. There is a reason why they are regarded as Africa’s most dangerous animal.


We aim to raise money by means of membership fees, lectures, exhibitions, sales, donations, etc. for the purpose of furthering the aims and objectives of the Association.

Supporting sustainable wildlife management

FOWM is a non-profit organisation dedicated to assist and support wildlife conservation in general but with specific focus on Mpumalanga and assistance of the Wildlife Management Department of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency.

You can make a real difference by donating funds to our cause. This will enable us to continue providing sustainable wildlife management for years to come.